Youth Ambassador
On the 18/11/15 Liam represented
DV SnapShots on PBA FM Radio.
In Liam Goodrich’s own words, becoming a Youth Representative for Playford was the best thing to happen to him.
Once so shy, suffering a painful lack of confidence, he ‘bit the bullet’ and hasn’t looked back. Now a Youth Representative for Playford, being part of the Playford Youth Advisory Committee has opened his eyes to so many aspects of life – but perhaps most importantly, it’s enabled him to discover the strength and confidence in himself to make a difference.
He’s learnt how to network effectively with local government, not-for-profit organisations and businesses in targeting ways to prevent youth issues occurring in the local community. This has led to his participation in events and projects
regarding Mental Health, Youth Homelessness, Physical Wellbeing, and National Youth Week; he has begun turning his focus to Anti-Bullying while remaining constant to his first passion: fighting against Domestic Violence and the resulting issues occurring among today’s youth.
Throughout his two-and-a-half years’ involvement with this sector he has expanded his reach to include Headspace, South Australia Blue Light Rangers, Youth Affairs Council of South Australia, and the DV SnapShots Conference – all in aid of linking with, and working for, organisations related to preventing Domestic Violence or raising awareness of the signs and strategies for helping future survivors.
For almost two years Liam has been part of the South Australian Blue Rangers, and now proudly holds the rank of Sergeant with the Salisbury unit. It has been his ‘absolute privilege’ to be part of an organisation which provides young people the training, skills, development and knowledge required to become a successful police officer in SAPOL.
In addition to this in the last year Liam has been a member of Headspace Edinburgh North Youth Advisory Council, focussing on preventing mental health issues and what triggers them among young people. This has given him a greater sense of empathy toward the troubled youths and their problems he encounters through work.
Having recently become a Youth Representative for South Australia, and being part of the Youth Affairs Council of South Australia, Liam’s inclusion in the organisation allows him to focus on State and Federal Government policy, associate with State Government, and actively make changes to Domestic Violence and multiple other issues affecting our youth while having the confidence and the support to step out as proof that positive results are available for everybody. You just need to want it, and be ready to work for it.
Most recently Liam has been heavily involved in the Domestic Violence sector, thanks to Lorelle Molde inviting him to be part of her vision: the DV SnapShots Conference. Due to her guidance and knowledge he has been able to continue building a network of high-profile contacts and
acquaintances, such as Libby Davies (CEO of White Ribbon Australia); has met Australian of the Year Rosie Batty; Arman Abrahimzadeh (the Founder of the Zahra Foundation and high profile White Ribbon Ambassador); senior lawyers within the Domestic Violence Courts in SA and NSW – and that’s just to name a few.
In the upcoming Conference in November 2015 Liam will be presenting the facts of Domestic Violence as seen and experienced by our youth, and how it affects young people’s mental health, while drawing on examples from his own life these last 15 years. Again to borrow his own words, ‘I want to make changes to the justice system in regards to DV and show the community the truth of what happens behind closed doors. I want to make changes to those families, for those families, for justice, freedom and safety’.
In the future Liam wants to become a White Ribbon Ambassador and focus on organisations representing the many factors of DV, such as mental health and homelessness; his ideal is to bring people to work together with him to provide unforgettable impact to the community as a whole regarding what Domestic Violence really is and what it does to us.
All this ties in to his plan of becoming a detective within the Domestic Violence Investigation Unit.
‘I’m so happy with what I have achieved so far and how far I’ve come, and I wish to continue piecing together my aims and goals for the future.’
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This profile was crafted by Amber Averay The Enchantment Wordsmith