Thomas Milham
Onto It Web Services
Thomas Milham from Onto It Web Services has been with WINspire from the very start, back in 2013. As our web designer extraordinaire, he develops and maintains the WINspire and DVSnapShots websites. Thomas received the “Young Citizen of the Year Award” in 2014 from the Adelaide Hills Council. Thomas is a young leader in his field, and mature well beyond his years.
Onto It Web Services, Thomas’s own company, provides uncomplicated website services to small businesses, expertly guiding business owners towards a great online presence.
Onto It Web Services

Amber Averay
Enchantment Wordsmith
As Enchantment Wordsmith for DV SnapShots, Amber is a dedicated book lover, reader, and a determined plotter and schemer – another word for it is ‘writer’. Her debut novel, Enchantment’s Deception, and the second book in the series (Enchantment’s Evolution) have both received raving reviews. Big things are in store for this author. Read more here